Sabtu, 26 November 2011

E-Science (atau eScience) adalah komputasi secara intensif ilmu yang dilakukan di daerah yang sangat terdistribusi jaringan lingkungan, atau ilmu yang menggunakan besar data set yang membutuhkan komputasi grid , istilah ini kadang-kadang mencakup teknologi yang memungkinkan kolaborasi didistribusikan, sepertiAccess Grid. The term was created by John Taylor, the Director General of the United Kingdom’s Office of Science and Technology in 1999 and was used to describe a large funding initiative starting in November 2000. Istilah ini diciptakan olehJohn Taylor , Direktur Jenderal Kerajaan United Kantor Sains dan Teknologi pada tahun 1999 dan digunakan untuk menggambarkan sebuah inisiatif pendanaan yang besar mulai November 2000. Examples of the kind of science include social simulations, particle physics, earth sciences and bio-informatics. Contoh jenis ilmu termasuk simulasi sosial, fisika partikel, ilmu bumi dan bio-informatika. Particle physics has a particularly well developed e-Science infrastructure due to their need for adequate computing facilities for the analysis of results and storage of data originating from the CERN Large Hadron Collider, which started taking data in 2008.fisika Partikel-Ilmu memiliki infrastruktur dikembangkan dengan baik e terutama karena kebutuhan mereka untuk fasilitas komputasi yang memadai untuk analisis hasil dan penyimpanan data yang berasal dari CERN Large Hadron Collider , yang dimulai pengambilan data pada tahun 2008.

Karakteristik dan Contoh-contoh E-Science
Karena kompleksitas dari perangkat lunak dan persyaratan infrastruktur backend, e-Ilmu proyek biasanya melibatkan tim besar dikelola dan dikembangkan oleh laboratorium penelitian, universitas besar atau pemerintah. Currently there is a large focus in e-Science in the United Kingdom , where the UK e-Science programme provides significant funding. Saat ini ada fokus yang besar dalam e-Science di Inggris , dimana Inggris program e-Ilmu menyediakan dana yang signifikan.
Development of e-Science is also advanced in Europe where the development of computing capabilities to support the CERN Large Hadron Collider has led to the development of e-Science and Grid infrastructures which are also used by other disciplines. Pengembangan e-Science juga maju di Eropa di mana pengembangan kemampuan komputasi untuk mendukung CERN Large Hadron Collider telah menyebabkan pengembangan e-Science dan Grid prasarana yang juga digunakan oleh disiplin lain.

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about me

Heyy.. My name is aditia faramadhani, but my nick name is tiaa,, I was born on 17 March 1991.. Now I am an university student (Informatics Engineering)of Gunadarma University.. My family always support me for everything I do,n I have a someone who give me support n always care to me,, luv u, Now I want to get my future with all of them.. I want to make them proud of me, especially my parents.. N for my beib (gembel) thanks a lot for u, always hope forever n ever.. DREAM WHAT U WANT TO DREAM, GO WHERE U WANT TO GO, BE WHAT U WANT TO BE, U HAVE ONLY ONE LIFE AND ONE CHANCE TO DO ALL THINGS U WANT TO DO.. **Always remember to ALLAH..** I always try to reach my future with heart n mind for my happiness. I want to be a good girl which have a good manner, brain, beauty, n behaviour. Keep smile always, ;) Insya allah I want to take Master degree for my education.. Amien for all...

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